How To Simplify Your Customer Journey

The digital age has changed the playing field for businesses: customer experience is now an essential element of success. To ensure your customers have a seamless journey, it pays to invest additional effort. We’ll provide you with tips on how to simplify their experience in eCommerce, such as Shoppable Video by Simustream. This technology enables a more interactive and engaging journey, allowing users to locate products easily and quickly submit forms to capture leads. 

What is The Customer Journey? 

The customer journey is the process that a customer takes when interacting with your brand. It includes  everything from awareness and consideration, to purchase and loyalty. 

Awareness: The first stage of the customer journey is awareness. This is when the customer becomes  aware of your brand and starts to consider your products or services. 

Consideration: In the second stage, the customer begins to compare your products or services with  those of your competitors. They may also read online reviews and seek out recommendations from  friends and family. 

Purchase: The third stage is purchase, when the customer decides to buy your product or service. This is usually influenced by factors such as price, quality, and convenience. 

Loyalty: The final stage of the customer journey is loyalty, when the customer becomes a repeat buyer and advocates for your brand. 

Why Simplify Your Customer Journey? 

There are a number of reasons why you might want to simplify your customer journey. For one, it can  make your eCommerce site more user-friendly and efficient. A streamlined customer journey can also help you better understand your customers’ needs and how they interact with your site. Additionally,  simplifying your customer journey can lead to increased conversion rates and higher customer satisfaction. 

So how do you go about simplifying your customer journey? Here are a few tips:

  1. Keep it short and sweet. Your customers should be able to complete their purchase in as few steps as  possible. If there are too many steps involved, they may become frustrated and abandon their purchase  altogether. Shoppable video can help you to brand your business & sell within your video content as easily as possible.
  2. Make it easy to navigate. Your eCommerce site should be easy to navigate so that customers can find  what they’re looking for quickly and without hassle. Use clear and concise labels, well-organized menus,  and intuitive search functionality. 
  3. Provide adequate information. Customers need enough information to make an informed purchase  decision but not so much that they feel overloaded or confused. Be sure to include product descriptions,  pricing information, shipping details, etc., but keep it all presented in an easily digestible format. 

Examples of How To Simplify the Customer Journey 

Assuming you already have a good idea of your customer avatar’s needs, wants, and motivations, it’s  time to get started optimizing your eCommerce website’s user experience. By understanding and  streamlining the typical journey your customers take on your site—from initial awareness all the way to  purchase—you can make it simpler and more delightful for them to buy from you. Here are some tips  and examples for how to simplify the customer journey on your eCommerce site: 

1. Make sure your website is easy to navigate. 

Your website’s navigation should be intuitive and easy to use. Customers should be able to find what  they’re looking for in just a few clicks. Use clear labels, organize your products into categories, and add  filters so customers can narrow down their options. One company that does this well is Bonobos, an  online menswear retailer. Their navigation is clean and simple, allowing customers to quickly find what  they need: 

2. Use strong calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your site. 

Your CTAs should be eye-catching and tell customers exactly what you want them to do next. For  example, if you want customers to add a product to their cart, use a CTA that says “Add To Cart” or “Buy  Now.” Don’t use generic CTAs like “Learn More” or “Read More”

Step by Step Guide to Making a User-Friendly UI/UX 

When it comes to eCommerce, one of the most important aspects is having a user-friendly interface. This  is because if your customers can’t easily navigate your website or find what they’re looking for, they’re  likely to leave without making a purchase. 

Fortunately, creating a user-friendly UI/UX doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, there are a few simple  steps you can take to make sure your eCommerce website is optimized for users. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making a user-friendly UI/UX for your eCommerce website: 

  1. Use easy to read fonts: When it comes to web design, less is definitely more. This means that you  should avoid using fancy or decorative fonts that can be difficult to read. Instead, stick with simple fonts  like Arial or Verdana that will be easy for visitors to read. 
  2. Keep your design clean and clutter-free: Another important aspect of creating a user-friendly UI/UX is  keeping your design clean and clutter-free. This means avoiding excessive graphics or images that could  make your website appear cluttered and busy. Instead, focus on creating a clean and streamlined design  that will be easy for visitors to navigate. 
  3. Use clear and concise text: When writing the text for your website, it’s important to be clear and  concise. This means avoiding long blocks of text and using bullet points or short paragraphs instead. You  should also use 

Strategies to Get Users to Buy Products 

There are a few key strategies you can use to get users to buy products on your eCommerce site. First,  make sure your site is user friendly and easy to navigate. Your site should also be innovative, using interactive tech like shoppable video or interactive lead generation videos. Second, offer users a variety of payment  options to make the purchase process as smooth as possible. Finally, provide customer support in case  there are any issues with the purchase. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your  customers have a positive experience on your site and are more likely to make a purchase. 

Benefits of Improving the Experience

There are many benefits to improving the customer experience in eCommerce. Perhaps the most  obvious is that it can lead to more sales and higher customer satisfaction. In addition, it can also reduce  shopping cart abandonment, increase customer loyalty, and improve SEO rankings. All of these factors  can have a positive impact on the bottom line of your business. 

In addition to the financial benefits, improving the customer experience can also lead to improved brand  reputation and goodwill. Your customers will appreciate your efforts to make their shopping experience  better and will be more likely to recommend your store to others. 

Finally, don’t forget that simplifying your customer journey can also make your own life as a business owner  or manager easier. A streamlined, user-friendly eCommerce experience will save you time and hassle in  the long run. It’s worth taking the time to invest in improvements now so that you can reap the rewards  for years to come.


Customer journeys in eCommerce can be complicated and time-consuming, but following the steps  outlined above can help to make the process smoother. Structuring your customer journey according to  their needs will enable you to provide a better overall experience, which should result in more satisfied  customers who are likely to return. Take the time now to analyze the customer journey and develop  strategies for simplifying it will pay off with improved profitability over time.

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